photoluminescent pigment, glow in the dark pigment

  Europe high quality reliable photoluminescent pigment supplier

NLP Photoluminescent Pigment

NLP photoluminescent pigment produced by Next Generation B.V. is the 4th generation photoluminescent pigment. This sort of photoluminescent pigments are made by rare earth. It is non-toxic, non-radiation new generation photoluminescent pigment, and super long after glow photoluminescent pigment. 

NLP photoluminescent pigment with super brightness and long afterglow, it makes projector possible to create the impressive bright products which is not be possible to make with the old generation photoluminescent pigment. 

NLP photoluminescent pigment with careful production and selective raw material, it has a high purity. It is a kind of photoluminescent pigment which can be used for the packaging industry, as well as for the toys.

NLP photoluminescent pigment can be widely used in many transparent or half transparent medium or materials. For example, it can be used to make photoluminescent ink, photoluminescent coating, photoluminescent paint, photoluminescent plastic, photoluminescent masterbatch, photoluminescent glass product, photoluminescent ceramic product, photoluminescent fiber, photoluminescent rubber, etc.

NLP photoluminescent pigment is an environmental friendly products, the production process is environmental friendly and high technology.

NLP photoluminescent pigment is also safety for transport, it is non-flammable, non-explosive.

             more details of NLP® photoluminescent pigment, click here NLP®

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  Europe luminescent pigment supplier

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